Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SD Participates in National Alert System Test

Tomorrow Wednesday, November 9th all San Diego County will be participating in a nationwide alert test via radio, television, cable and satellite stations will be interrupting regular programming at 11:00am, PST. San Diego is the first county to participate in this Alert... These test are made to better server all residents and alert everyone of any local or national emergencies.
San Diego County Offices of Emergency Services has tons of great tips and resources at: http://www.ReadySanDiego.org/

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011



San Diego County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price was only about two minutes into the story she was reading to the pre-Kindergartener’s when the first child tattled on his parent. “My dad, who’s picking me up today, drinks soda,” said the little boy. Slater-Price was reading “Potter the Otter: A Tale About Water” to a class of pre-K students at North County Serenity House to help First 5 San Diego kick off Family Literacy Month. Besides emphasizing family reading time, the book is a creative lesson to help children make healthier drink choices.

“One of the most important things a parent can do for their child is read to them,” said Slater-Price. “Children then associate reading with learning and with comfort and love.”

The 21 children all sat attentively in neat rows on the floor, eyes affixed as Slater-Price turned and showed the illustrations after she read each page. Colorful images leapt off the pages showing how Goose and Moose gave up their juice, how skunks in a bunch don’t drink punch or how Toada stopped wanting soda.

First 5 San Diego Executive Director Barbara Jimenez then read the book to the group again in Spanish. When she finished, Slater-Price showed the children activities in the back of the book that they could do with their parents.

Then it was quiz time - but no need for panic. These kids knew their stuff. Most hands flew up when the Slater-Price asked if they knew they shouldn’t go to bed without brushing their teeth. They even said they knew to brush their teeth after eating candy or drinking soda (the Supervisor told them it was okay to have some once in a while – just not very often and to make sure you get the sugar off your teeth right away).

Slater-Price, who had been a teacher for 10 years, said she always loved reading time the most and encouraged parents and children to go together and explore the County’s libraries, (www.sdcl.org.)

“It’s easy and it’s fun,” she said. “It’s just a fun time for both the parents and kids.”

Each child received their own copy of “Potter the Otter” and several bookmarks. (http://www.countynewscenter.com/news/story-time-kicks-literacy-month)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

B2BE Sport & Wellness in Eastlake

Eastlake is home to an exclusive and state of the art boutique fitness center. A luxurious 32,000 square foot facility combining top-level personal service with high-tech equipment, b2be offers an all-encompassing wellness experience while highlighting the importance of overall physical fitness and long-term wellbeing.

B2be is currently offering FREE 3 day passes and monthly memberships at $59.95...
The main characteristics of b2be are:

1. Excellent Service

  • Highly trained staff with the most advanced service culture.
  • Personal attention with no extra fees.
  • Wellness System: The only software of its kind to design and execute tailor made routines.
  • Extensive and varied training programs
  • Towels and amenities are included.
  • Shoe shine and laundry service
  • Private lockers

2. Family Concept

  • Dedicated kids area includes their own lockers and locker rooms.
  • Sports programs and activities such as Tae Kwon Do, Ballet, Swim, Zumba, Yoga for all ages.
  • Enriching activities such as arts and crafts, homework, art, baby yoga etc.
  • Early stage development and kids corner for babies from 6 months of age and older.

3. Luxury facilities:

  • The best workout equipment with the best ergonomic designs.
  • Marble finishes, fine woods and high quality finishes throughout the club.
  • Showers, steam, saunas and facilities are crafted with fine marble
  • Private lockers are crafted with fine walnut
  • TV lounge
  • Massage room
  • Indoor pool, racquetball, etc.

b2be Sports and Wellness has arrived to revolutionize the fitness industry and with its philosophy and experience, our staff ensures that the level of service and satisfaction will deliver an unmatched experience.