Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heritage Park - The Hub of Otay Ranch

How many of us have really enjoyed some of the benefits of living in our beautiful city? Sometimes I marvel at the fact that Chula Vista is the second largest city in San Diego County and yet I walk around my community and I feel like I live in Mayberry - in a small, hometown-like neighborhood.

One of the nicest benefits may be a little hidden secret to most of you, Heritage Community Rec Center. Heritage Park Community Center opened in August 2002. The Community Center, the hub of activity in the park, hosts a variety of recreational and leisure programs, special events and classes including arts and crafts, dance, exercise (aerobic and strength), games, sports and after school/intersession programs. The adjoining amphitheatre will host a variety of cultural and community activities and events.

My 9 year old daughter just finished an art class where the students created two pieces and had a show for the parents at the end of the class. They were all beautiful. The instructor was fantastic and really did a great job with the kids. We were all very impressed. My 7 year old son also just received his first belt in karate last night with a presentation to the parents and demonstration.

Classes start up again in January and you can believe I'll be signing my kids up again. They learned a lot, met new friends, and got away from the video games for a bit.

Click here for a list of classes available.

Heritage Community Park isn't the only Recreation Center in Chula Vista that offers all these classes. Click here for a complete list of facilities that may be closer to you.

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