Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Stroll Thru Eastlake Villlage Marketplace

When was the last time you walked thru the Eastlake Village Marketplace just to take a stroll? I was there last night just by chance and I had forgotten all the great places to eat, snack, shop, or just relax.

I grabbed a Starbucks and sat outside in the tree-lit courtyard by the outdoor fireplace and listened to a guy play guitar. For a moment I was transported someplace else - away from work, the kids, the house, and I forgot why I had even gone to the shopping center in the first place (to go to Target for laundry detergent).

From my bench I could see yummy places that got me thinking FOOD!!! Miguels, Panda Express, Daphne's Greek Cafe, Bento & Noodles, Jamba Juice, Subway, Islands, Starbucks. Instead, I just grabbed my skinny vanilla latte, cursed my stinkin' diet and walked off to Target to finish my task.

What a beautiful night, what a beautiful shopping center, what a beautiful city! The more I discover about our neighborhood, the more I fall in love with it. What do you love about our city? I'd love to hear from you...

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