Friday, February 25, 2011

McMillin Realty Celebrates 50 Years in South County

Thursday morning, February 24th, 2011, the morning air is still crisp from a chilly night, but there is a beautiful sunrise and the San Diego Country Club has never looked so gorgeous.

The early morning golfers are teeing off, the Chula Vista Rotary is having their monthly breakfast in the dining room, and McMillin Realty is setting the stage for yet another annual awards and recognition banquet. The Realtors and staff will be trailing in soon and the tables are being set with last minute decorations, and video equipment is being tested. Steve Harney, nationally recognized motivational speaker and author, has flown in from Long Island to speak to the South County firm's agents.

Finally Scott McMillin pulls up, agents have arrived, the festivities begin. In this market of foreclosures, short sales, and distressed homes, the real estate industry has been one of the hardest hit. It is not a job for the faint at heart. It is a difficult job at best these days. So for a company to stand the test of time is a tribute to its integrity, character and reputation. McMillin Realty is such a company. On this morning, Scott McMillin gave tribute to all his agents, and awards to his top producers for such a remarkable year they had in 2010. For it was a remarkable year, they all with stood the storm, and came out champions.

McMillin Realty, a great success story. Happy 50th anniversary. Lets celebrate all the great business and individuals that make up our community of Chula Vista this Centennial year. Chula Vista is our hometown.

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