Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day Weekend SAFETY Tips!

San Diego- Lets all have a FUNNNNN and most importantly SAFE Labor day Weekend!!! Gives lots of ideas and tips on how to get the most of you holiday weekend... read up people and ENJOY

On the Road

  • Photocopy all documents, including passport, credit cards and tickets before leaving home and store copies in the hotel safe.
  • Non-travel papers such as local credit cards and irreplaceable photos, should be left at home.
  • Use traveler's checks and credit cards. Keep a record of their serial numbers in a separate and safe place in case they are lost or stolen.
  • Carry only the cash you need in small denominations and never discuss your plans or the amount of money you are carrying.
  • Carry your purse close to your body and your wallet in your front pocket.
  • Keep track of your plane, train or bus tickets -they are as good as cash.
  • While driving, respect and obey the traffic signs. Don't drink and drive, and always use your seat belt.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • If your car breaks down, turn on your flashers and raise the hood. If you must abandon your car, park safely and keep all passengers together. Freeway call boxes are spaced one half mile apart and are programmed to identify your location.

Hotel/Motel Security

  • Determine the most direct route to and from your room to the fire escapes, elevators and nearest telephone.
  • Use all auxiliary locking devices on doors and windows.
  • Use the door viewer to identify anyone requesting entry. Open the door only if you are certain the person has a legitimate reason to enter your room. If in doubt, call the front desk.
  • Report any lost or stolen items to the management and to the police.
  • Never leave money, checks, credit cards, jewelry and other valuables, extra room keys or car keys in the room. Take valuables with you or leave them in the hotel safety deposit box.
  • Report to the management any suspicious activities in the corridors or rooms. Remember - the only way to stop crime is to get involved in crime prevention.


  • Ask for directions at your hotel/motel or an info center to those attractions you want to visit.
  • Looking lost may make you look like an easy target for crime. If you get lost, find an open business and ask for directions.
  • Be wary of strangers who seem overly anxious to help you.
  • Visitors are major targets for pickpockets in many cities throughout the world. Stay alert to what's going on around you.
  • When traveling in any unfamiliar place, avoid driving isolated highways at night and, if possible, avoid traveling alone.
  • Whether you're biking, skating or riding the waves, don't forget the protective gear, sunscreen and drinking water.

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