Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Opening Day at Parkview Little League

I can't believe it is almost here, but little league baseball is right around the corner.

For most of us parents and players, we had our first practices this week. Met our new teammates and coaches, hooked-up with old friends, and just slid back into the sport that starts our Spring, Baseball.

For my son our first practice was actually on the minor B field this week. I got to walk my giant dog, Zeus, and watch my son play baseball with a new enthusiasm he didn't have last year. Kids grow and mature so much year to year, so every year sports is different, for them to play and for us to watch.

I saw many familiar All Star World Series Champions on the Juniors field practicing, and Coach Ric Ramirez was there with his youngest son and nephew practicing with their Majors team.

From what I understand, Parkview has more kids this year than ever, so that means more games, more uniforms, more coaches needed, more umpires needed, more everything. We will be playing games this year from Sunday - Saturday, basically every day of the week! WOW! That's commitment from their Board and the volunteers that run the place.

Opening Day Ceremonies are scheduled for Saturday, March 13th. They usually start early with the T-Ball parade and team intros. Come on out and meet your Parkview Little Leaguers.

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