Friday, February 25, 2011

McMillin Realty Celebrates 50 Years in South County

Thursday morning, February 24th, 2011, the morning air is still crisp from a chilly night, but there is a beautiful sunrise and the San Diego Country Club has never looked so gorgeous.

The early morning golfers are teeing off, the Chula Vista Rotary is having their monthly breakfast in the dining room, and McMillin Realty is setting the stage for yet another annual awards and recognition banquet. The Realtors and staff will be trailing in soon and the tables are being set with last minute decorations, and video equipment is being tested. Steve Harney, nationally recognized motivational speaker and author, has flown in from Long Island to speak to the South County firm's agents.

Finally Scott McMillin pulls up, agents have arrived, the festivities begin. In this market of foreclosures, short sales, and distressed homes, the real estate industry has been one of the hardest hit. It is not a job for the faint at heart. It is a difficult job at best these days. So for a company to stand the test of time is a tribute to its integrity, character and reputation. McMillin Realty is such a company. On this morning, Scott McMillin gave tribute to all his agents, and awards to his top producers for such a remarkable year they had in 2010. For it was a remarkable year, they all with stood the storm, and came out champions.

McMillin Realty, a great success story. Happy 50th anniversary. Lets celebrate all the great business and individuals that make up our community of Chula Vista this Centennial year. Chula Vista is our hometown.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rancho del Rey Middle School's Jazz Ensemble Goes on Tour

The Cool jazz stylings by the Rancho del Rey Middle School Jazz Ensemble, led by Mr. Fred Lee, will be appreciated and enjoyed today by the faculty and students of Corky McMillin Elementary School in the heart of Otay Ranch, Chula Vista.

The Jazz ensemble was only started this school year by new comer to the school - but definitely not to the district, Mr. Lee. So, for these kids to play with such connection, vision and passion for a genre of music that is probably not their first love, is a tribute to the teacher that has given them so much. The kids are really amazing to hear, and it is great to see them touring local elementary schools exciting and inspiring a new group of kids to follow in their still growing footsteps.

Lets hope with the success today at McMillin Elementary they will be asked to come to other local schools and perform. I know how excited they all were to go and show off their skills. It really is a win/win situation. What more can we ask for in our public schools?... Don't we live in the best place EVER?.... (that was rhetorical, of course we do!)

Check out their trailer and then a quick jazz mix I put together. Maybe you'll be inspired a bit too.

On a side note... The school is always looking for donations to keep their music program going. In this day of budget cuts, music, sports, etc. are the first to go.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free After School For McMillin by McMillin

— At McMillin, one of their core principles is, "We support the communities in which we live and work". Those aren't just words on a plaque to the South County Real Estate Company, they are a mantra which every employee and real estate agent works and lives by.

A new partnership is providing Corky McMillin Elementary students free after-school academic support.

Launched in October, the McMillin Intervention Study Team offers varying levels of support Monday through Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. Students may stay for as little as 15 minutes or up to two hours.

Support includes homework help with roaming tutors, a computer lab with educational software, and small group and one-on-one support for students designated as struggling by their teachers and standardized test scores.

Part of the program is funded by Southwestern College, but most is paid through the school’s McMillin endowment fund that was established by the children of the late-construction company patriarch Corky McMillin.

Up to 100 students each day receive aid from nine Southwestern College student tutors who are paid minimum wage through a college grant. Tutors, most of whom are studying to become teachers or social workers, also received training from the school, McMillin Elementary Principal Jorge Mora said. No prior after-school tutoring program existed at the site.

Mora reached out to Southwestern after he was made aware of available endowment money. About $8,000 from the $46,000 endowment will fund five tutors this year. Southwestern College is spending about $6,600 this year to pay for four tutors.

“There is always a need to help kids beyond the regular school day. The challenge is to try and find the funds that will allow us to do that, the time, the personnel that it takes to do it justice,” Mora said.

The school — named for the San Diego-based Corky McMillin Cos. — is also set to receive 30 new Hewlett-Packard computers for the computer lab, a gift totaling $37,000 from Vonnie McMillin, mother of the three sibling benefactors.

“We believe in giving back in the communities in which we live and work. My mom still lives in that community and we all work down there. The community has been very good to us,” said Mark McMillin, president and chief executive officer of Corky McMillin Companies. “After-school care is usually just games and fun. They are taking these kids and they try to help them with their homework.”

Students say they appreciate the program.

“If I struggle with something, they help me,” said fifth-grader Sunwoo Kim.

Sixth-grader Agustin Richardson uses the computer lab daily to fulfill his Compass Learning software homework and take advantage of the tutors.

“Sometimes I don’t get the homework. I can ask questions and understand what to do,” Agustin said, adding that he has noticed improvement in his grades.

Parents have also noticed the benefits.

“Prior to M.I.S.T., homework was a struggle,” parent Lisa Johnson said. “It lightens the load at home. She gets it done right away and not done late at night. It helps families have more quality time at home.”

Her third-grade daughter Jessica agreed.

“It’s better to do it here, so when you get it done, you can play,” she said.

Saira Buelna, 20, says her work as a tutor is helping her get a feel for the teaching profession.

“A lot of these kids have trouble and need extra help. A lot of the parents can’t help the kids at home,” she said.

She also sees her role as somewhat of a mentor.

“I always wanted to be an elementary schoolteacher and teach them about values, about staying in middle school and high school,” Buelna said.

School officials said they expect to see an uptick in student performance on the state standardized tests this spring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

South County Market Conditons early 2011

South County real estate market conditions, as we enter into February seem to be warming up a bit for our fortuitous buyers. This is really their market. Inventory is high, prices are at an all time low, and interest rates are historically low. For inventory under $400K we are even seeing multiple offers again (especially on our Short Sale and Bank owned properties). Otay Ranch, Sunbow, Lomas Verdes and many areas of Eastlake are seeing prices unseen since prior to 2004.

The upper end markets of Rolling Hills Ranch, the Woods, and even parts of Rancho del Rey are still softening a bit. There are many factors that hamper the market in those areas. Stiffer mortgage restrictions on jumbo loans, state of the economy, and when the bulk of your move up market has lost their equity and/or their home to Short Sale or Foreclosure, the buyer pool is greatly diminished. We do, however, expect to see a healthy recovery in this market, it will just take more time.

Positive indicators is that activity is picking up in our area dramatically. Buyers are out there. First time homebuyers are increasing and will be a major contributor to our market in 2011. The South County can still boast fantastic amenities, outstanding schools, and great growth opportunities. That coupled with the inventory of fantastic homes and affordable prices, this is the destination of choice for many families, individuals and couples to settle down and call home.

Visit to find a home that suits your needs today. Anyone of their outstanding agents can help you!