Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rancho del Rey Middle School's Jazz Ensemble Goes on Tour

The Cool jazz stylings by the Rancho del Rey Middle School Jazz Ensemble, led by Mr. Fred Lee, will be appreciated and enjoyed today by the faculty and students of Corky McMillin Elementary School in the heart of Otay Ranch, Chula Vista.

The Jazz ensemble was only started this school year by new comer to the school - but definitely not to the district, Mr. Lee. So, for these kids to play with such connection, vision and passion for a genre of music that is probably not their first love, is a tribute to the teacher that has given them so much. The kids are really amazing to hear, and it is great to see them touring local elementary schools exciting and inspiring a new group of kids to follow in their still growing footsteps.

Lets hope with the success today at McMillin Elementary they will be asked to come to other local schools and perform. I know how excited they all were to go and show off their skills. It really is a win/win situation. What more can we ask for in our public schools?... Don't we live in the best place EVER?.... (that was rhetorical, of course we do!)

Check out their trailer and then a quick jazz mix I put together. Maybe you'll be inspired a bit too.

On a side note... The school is always looking for donations to keep their music program going. In this day of budget cuts, music, sports, etc. are the first to go.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! For middle schoolers with none to little experience, these kids are awesome!
