Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Can you smell it? Graduations, last days of school, kids on vacation are just a few reminders that SUMMER is almost here! Time to clean off the BBQ and enjoy the wonderful weather we are so fortunate for! With all this relaxation and extra time- ever thought about heading to your local Farmers Market? As South County residents we are especially spoiled with 4 local and Certified Farmers Market's(Certified by the County Agricultural Commissioner)just about everyday of the week! Whether you live by the 5 freeway or the 125 freeway you are sure to be near 1! Not only is shopping at Farmers Market's HEALTHY but it helps promote our Local Family Farmers so that they may continue to provide the freshest produce at the best price! While your there enjoy other great buys- Spruce up your home with beautiful fresh flowers, pick up a hot meal for dinner, one of a kind jewelery or grab some information on local businesses!
Here is where you can go MON. - THURS.:

Monday: Swiss Park 2001 Main St. - 91911 3pm-7pm
Tuesday: Otay Ranch Centre 2015 Birch Rd. -91915 4pm-8pm
Wednesday: Bonita Valley 4744 Bonita Rd-91902 3pm-7pm
Thursday: Downtown Chula Vista at Center St & 3rd Ave-91910 3pm-7pm
So, instead of standing in long lines at the grocery store take a walk or a quick drive to your neighborhood Farmer's Market... Need more information, interested in selling or want to know where and when you can visit other Farmers Market's?

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