Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to School for our Chula Vista Kiddos

Are your kids ready?... It's that time, back to school for our kids in Chula Vista. The little ones don't start until this Wednesday the 13th, but the Jr High and High Schools start Tuesday the 12th.

I've enjoyed getting up every morning and not worrying about the kids getting ready for school myself. But alas, back to the routine of school life. "Where's my shoes mom?", "Brush your teeth!", "Leave the dog alone and get ready for school!!!", "No, the hamster can't go with you to school.", "Out of bed for the 5th time already"! Yes... I can't wait. The joys of motherhood, work and school.

By the way... I'm off to go backpack shopping. I just found a banana my son tried to hide from me in the bottom of his old backpack from last semester! NICE!

For a quick link to any of your kid's schools, look to the right side of this blog.

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