Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Local Lomes Verde Home to Air on TLC

You're finally ready to make the plunge and buy your first home. However, it won't be easy. First, you have to find it. Then you have to make a bid and hope the competition doesn't beat you out. After that you have to get an inspector, who may end up telling you that your future home has faulty wiring or rusty pipes, turning this dream venture into a money-squandering nightmare! If you make it past this point (and that's assuming escrow doesn't fall through), one load of paperwork and half a bottle of aspirin later, you finally get the set of keys to your first new home. And it was all worth it … right?

In each half-hour episode of My First Home, we'll meet a prospective buyer as they seek out a place to call their own. From touring the real estate and picking out the perfect house, to waiting through escrow, to the final exchange of keys, we'll follow these real estate novices through the highs and lows of buying a first home.

Whether they're looking for a two-bedroom condo in Los Angeles or a two-story colonial in Tennessee, every buyer wants something that appeals to their personality as well as their wallet.

But where do they start? For the first-time home purchaser, there's a whole language to learn — terms like inspectors, escrow and contingencies. And that's not all. They also must wrestle with the idea of putting so much time, energy and money into one single investment — as well as the possibility that such a purchase could turn out to be a money pit! Indeed, the process of buying a home consumes your whole being, even after the deal is done.

Tune in as TLC steps into the lives of these wanna-be buyers as they deal with the disappointments, anxieties and hopes of finding and buying their first home.

Airing sometime at the end of February, early March, one of our very own McMillin build Indigo homes in Lomas Verde will be featured as first-time home buyers make the plunge into homeownership in Otay Ranch. Dan O'Hanlon, Realtor with McMillin Realty's Bonita Office is proud to feature his listing on TLC. Dan has played a major roll in real estate in the Lomas Verde neighborhood and is also a resident himself. For Dan and his team this is more than just an honor to have their listing featured, it is an opportunity for them to expose South County, San Diego to the entire country.

My First Home airs on Saturday at 9:00 am on Cox Cable channel 36.

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