Monday, February 8, 2010

President Obama Meets our Blue Bombers!

White House is a hit for Little League World Series winners

Originally published February 5, 2010 at 1:02 p.m., updated February 6, 2010 at 3:12 a.m.

President Barack Obama shook hands yesterday with Bulla Graft and his teammates on Chula Vista’s Park View All-Stars, winners of the Little League World Series.

/ Chuck Kennedy / White House

President Barack Obama shook hands yesterday with Bulla Graft and his teammates on Chula Vista’s Park View All-Stars, winners of the Little League World Series.

On a blustery, wintry day in the nation’s capital, San Diego’s boys of summer stepped out of the cold and into the limelight.

The Little League World Series champions from Chula Vista shook hands with President Barack Obama.

“This is going to be a treasure,” catcher Daniel Porras Jr. said by phone. “I’ll never wash my hand again.”

The 13-year-old Park View All-Stars and their coaches and family members toured the White House yesterday, then met the president in the East Wing. Obama walked down a line, shaking each player’s hand.

“It was pretty cool,” said outfielder Bradley Roberto. “We met the leader of our country.”

Previously, the players appeared on Conan O’Brien’s show, rode in the Rose Parade and were honored by the Padres and the Chargers.

Yesterday, each player — dressed in matching khakis and light-blue polo shirts — introduced himself to Obama by saying his name, the position he played and that it was an honor to meet the president.

Asked what the president said in return, shortstop Andy Rios said, “It’s very good to meet you, too.”

Porras added, “He said that he was proud of us for representing the United States.”

Obama then came to league President Rod Roberto and asked, “Are you one of the coaches?”

“No Mr. President,” Roberto said, “I’m the president.”

After some laughter, Obama replied, “Maybe I should ask this guy for some advice.”

The Park View contingent consisted of about 60 people. The trip was paid for by Southwest Airlines and AT&T.

The team came bearing gifts, including a green-and-white Park View jersey for the president with “Obama” written across the back.

According to Rod Roberto, the president said upon receiving the jersey, “I better save this. It’ll probably be worth some money in the future.”

The team also brought jerseys for Obama’s daughters — Malia, 11, and Sasha, 8 — a signed baseball glove and a baseball cap made of Legos given to the team by Legoland California.

While walking down a White House hallway, the players were asked to step aside for a moment. Along came Malia and Sasha.

“They were dressed like you’d think young girls would be on a cold, winter day,” Rod Roberto said. “In sweatpants.”

After meeting the president, the contingent trudged through snowy, wind-swept conditions to the Capitol building.

“We are walking through huge snow right now,” Porras said.

At the Capitol, the team was given a tour of the House floor by Rep. Bob Filner, D-San Diego.

The team is scheduled to attend the Atlanta Hawks-Washington Wizards basketball game tonight before returning home tomorrow.

Of yesterday’s experience, Rod Roberto said, “There’s nothing like the capital in snow. The trees, the snow falling. It was like sitting there watching a movie.”

Regarding the White House, he added, “It’s very patriotic. When you walk in there, see all the presidents on the wall, I don’t care what political side you’re on, you feel like, ‘Wow, all the decisions are made right here.’ ”

However, due to a blizzard in the area, the team is stuck in the Capitol for a few extra days. Enjoy kids, this is the time of your lives!

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