Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to School? - Yep, Already!!!

If it feels like the summer just started, well, it did! And for us modified year-round families that also means Back-to-school in July!!! We haven't even broken a 90 degree day yet and our kids are already going back to school, next Wednesday.

I just looked at my calendar and almost fell out of my chair. First, I feel like July just started, second, I feel like the summer barely begun (my son has used his unlimited Knott's Soak City pass only once!), and now next Wednesday is already the 21st of the month and it's back to school for our our Chula Vista kiddos. YIKES!!! Is this what they mean when they say time flies faster the older you get???

Since clearly I wasn't prepared for this, I should stop blogging and start shopping... Walmart here I come!!!

and one of my favorite quotes to leave you with...

"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers." — Edgar W. Howe

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