Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chula Vista Days

Today as I was driving my kids to school I noticed a huge crowd at Heritage Park at 7:00 in the morning. News trucks, classic cars, the Castle Park High School Band. What was going on? I had to stop and find out.

It was Fox 5 in the morning. They were filming their entire Morning Show right here from our gorgeous Heritage Park! It was "Chula Vista Days". How Cool is that! We are finally getting our day in the spot light. Over due?... Maybe, but at least they are taking notice of our fine city.

I parked immediately, and walked over to see what was going on. Shot some pictures with my iPhone of the band and the cars and, didn't know it was him, but had a conversation about our dogs and cars with Loren Nancarrow. I thought is was sweet seeing him walk his beautiful german shepherd around our pond, checking out the ducks before heading back over to the crowd.

What a day for Chula Vista. Then I got into the office, missed their show unfortunately, but did check out their website. I found all sorts of video clips of the morning, and a good one from the Mayor, Cheryl Cox. I am going to share it on my blog.

Hopefully, more news stations follow suit and come to Chula Vista to feature our City. We have so much to offer we couldn't possibly feature it all in 3 hours!

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