Monday, February 1, 2010

Parkview Little League Expects A Big Season

Saturday was a beautiful day, the sun was out, the weather was perfect. It was the perfect day for baseball tryouts in Chula Vista. I took my son out for his first tryouts ever. He is 8 this year, and 8 year olds and up have to tryout in little league. It's actually more of an assessment of skills than tryouts since they all get to play, but you could still feel the competition to be the best in the air.

With all the rain we've had lately it was nice to get out and see all the kids suited up, with their gloves, bats, warming up, playing catch with dads, getting ready to show the coaches their stuff.

I spoke with a couple of board members at Parkview while I waited for my son to get his chance at bat and was amazed to hear how many kids Parkview was fielding this year. We have so many kids in the association that we will be having games Monday - Sunday this year. I'm not sure if this is in response to our 2009 Little League World Series All Star Winners, or if this is a sign that our economy is rebounding, but it was exciting to hear non the less. More kids getting the opportunity to play!

I can't wait for the season to officially start. Baseball fever is already struck Chula Vista! We are ready!!!

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