Friday, February 12, 2010

Chula Vista Elementary School District Makes the Grade

The Chula Vista Elementary School District’s Academic Performance Index score is 833—placing the District among the highest performing school systems in San Diego County. The results from California’s Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program indicated our students made achievement gains at all grade levels in both English Language Arts and mathematics.

According to the 2008-09 school year results released in Fall 2009, an amazing 31 out of 44 District schools achieved API scores above the state target of 800. The District’s overall index score of 833—a 24 point year-over-year gain! CVESD and Coronado are the only school districts in the South County with API scores above 800.

Other District highlights include:

Thurgood Marshall Elementary posted the highest API score in CVESD at 891, followed by Olympic View at 886, and Heritage and Salt Creek each at 883.
Closely on their heels was Chula Vista Learning Community Charter at 876. CVLCC’s growth over the last several years caught the attention of state leaders, education officials and charter school proponents. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger toured classrooms and held a press conference at CVLCC on August 27, 2009, noting that the school served as a model for education reforms he has proposed.

CVESD’s English learners recorded the fifth highest API score among school districts in San Diego County.

California Business for Education Excellence has named 14 District schools to its 2009 Honor Roll. Schools that receive this distinction from California’s business community have demonstrated consistent high student academic achievement and have made significant progress toward closing achievement gaps among all their students.

Moving and the Impact on Children

Children are going to be a major consideration for anyone considering a move to a different area. Buying a home in a district with a good school system and family-friendly neighborhood will dramatically affect the child's way of life. So bottom line, when searching for a home, good schools are a major consideration for families. Chula Vista fits that bill.

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